Date: 29th March, 2024-Visit to the Chamgang Central Prison, Thimphu Detention Centre and Dawakha OAP

Dasho Dechen Wangmo paid visits to the Chamgang Central Prison, Thimphu Detention Centre and Female Open-Air Prison in Dawakha from March 27-28, 2024. During the visit, Hon’ble Dasho engaged with both the officials and the inmates to gain valuable insights in strengthening the prison-based SUD treatment and reintegration services that was launched on November 11, 2023.

During the visits, Hon’ble Dasho shared Her Majesty’s vision and aspiration for enhancing mental health services in the country and proposed additional avenues for collaboration between The PEMA and the Royal Bhutan Police in our effort to harness the forgotten human capital latent in the confined premises. The PEMA and the RBP, in partnership with other key stakeholders shall embark on an endeavour to reduce recidivism and empower them with knowledge and skills to successfully reintegrate into the community as productive and responsible citizens.