Figure 1. TEO/DEOs and Principals of Chukha, Haa Paro and Samtse Dzongkhags
Figure 2. TEO/DEOs offering His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo's Zhabten
Figure 3. TEOs/DEOs and Principals offering Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen’s Zhabten
Figure 4. School Guidance Counsellors and Health and Wellbeing Focal Teachers of Higher Secondary Schools in Chukha, Haa, Paro and Samtse

Pictures from Screening in Thimphu Dzongkhag and Thromde

Date: 12th September 2023- Health and Wellbeing Screening- Western Region

The PEMA Secretariat in collaboration with the Department of Education Programme, MoESD  rolled out the HWP Pilot programme in Thimphu from 17th May 2023. Around 1398 class XI students of all government and private higher secondary schools under Thimphu Thromde and Thimphu Dzongkhag took part in the self-administered online health and wellbeing screening held on May 17 and 18, 2023. Students at risk for developing mental and substance use disorders were provided brief intervention and referral services. Further students with moderate SUD were also provided with a school-based SUD treatment programme. 

In preparation for the nationwide Health and Wellbeing Screening, the DEOs/TEOs, Principals, School Guidance Counsellors and Wellbeing Focal teachers of Higher Secondary Schools are being oriented on the Health and Wellbeing Screening and School-based Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Care in four different groups from September 8- October 3, 2023. The DEOs/TEOs and Principals take part in a day-long sensitization while the School Guidance Counsellors and Wellbeing Focal Persons undergo the orientation programme for three days. 

The orientation for the DEO/TEOs and Principals, School Guidance Counsellors and Wellbeing Focal teachers of 20 Higher Secondary Schools in Chukha, Haa, Paro and Samtse Dzongkhags/Thromde is currently underway at Hotel Meto Pema in Phuntsholing. The orientation program started on September 12, 2023 and will go on till September 15, 2023 following which the schools will start screening all Class XI and XII students for health and wellbeing, particularly focusing on mental health and substance use.

Meanwhile, the Health and Wellbeing Screening for the Class XII Students of Thimphu Thromde and Dzongkhag started on September 12, 2023.