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Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Date: 27th February, 2024- Orientation Workshop for De-Suup Community Mental Health Outreach Workers

The PEMA Secretariat is conducting a three-day orientation programme on SUD Treatment and Care Services for 16 De-Suup Community Mental Health Outreach Workers from February 27-29, 2024. The De-Suups took part in a month-long Introduction to Mental Health Course followed by another course on Community Mental Health Outreach Workers for six months at the Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan to strengthen their knowledge and skill base.

The orientation programme is conducted in preparation towards placing them in residential drug treatment centre and in the hospitals where the SUD treatment and care services have been instituted, for their On-the-Job (OJT) Training for the next three months. Following their OJT, The PEMA Secretariat will conduct job interviews to formalize the recruitment of the best ones among the lot.