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Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Date: 28th December 2023- Sorig Zhiney and Luejong Training, Eastern Region

The PEMA Secretariat, in collaboration with the Health and Wellbeing Division, Department of Education Program, Ministry of Education and Skills Development and Division of Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health is conducting Sorig Zhiney and Luejong Training of Trainers (ToT) from December 25-31, 2023, in Tsenkharla Central School, Trashi Yangtse. Lam Neten of Trashi Yangtse Rabdey graced the opening ceremony and blessed the participants with Lung and Thri of Sangay Menlha, Ngondro Lung and Kago.

The training is facilitated by Trainers (Drungtshos and Menpas) from National Traditional Medicine Hospital and Samdrupjongkhar Hospital and the participants comprise Dzongkhag/Thromde Education Officers, Health Coordinators, and Khenpos of all higher secondary schools under the Eastern Region. Participants also include officials from Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag, College of Zorig Chusum in Trashi Yangtse, and RBP personnel from Lungzor Prison.

Sorig Zhiney and Luejong is a mindfulness and yoga practice, purely based on Bhutanese  Traditional Medicine also known as ‘Sowa Rigpa’, the ancient science of healing and it has been derived from the Mepham Nampar Gyalwai, Yuthok Nyingthik Tsalung Thruelkor and Sorig Nyingnor Chigdue text of the Medicinal Buddha. It is designed to improve the function of the sense organs and inner organs, balance the internal energy, open the channels, and relax the mind. Sorig Zhiney and Luejong comprises 32 exercises which are classified into three main categories: Semkham Luejong (for mental health), Minarwa Neypai Luejong (for healthy living), and Neyzhi Tshothap Luejong (for physical ailments).  Sorig Zhiney and Luejong was introduced as part of the wellness and spiritual health promotion program in 2017 to help build a healthy and happy society, consistent with Bhutan’s vision of Gross National Happiness, and the mission and vision of the Ministry of Health.

The purpose of the training is to help enhance the mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing of our teachers and students and their productivity in the workplace and promote Sorig Zhiney and Luejong in the institutions and communities as an alternative to other mindfulness practices and yoga exercises.

In August this year, The PEMA Secretariat in collaboration with MoH and MoESD conducted Sorig Zhiney and Luejong training for Dzongkhag/Thromde Education Officers, Health Coordinators, Khenpos and TEOs/DEOs of all higher secondary schools under the Western Region; RBP personnel from Chamgang Central Prison, Youth Development and Rehabilitation Centre and Female Detention Centre; and officials from The PEMA Secretariat at Zhichenkhar in Thimphu. The training was opened by Dorji Lopen Rinpochey of Zhung Dratshang with Sangay Menlha Wang while Laytshog Lopen Rinpochey closed the training with Kago and Kalop. Dudjom Yangsi Rinpochey also blessed the participants with Kalop and Chagwang.