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Call 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Date: 14th February, 2023- Handing Taking of Erstwhile BNCA’s Demand Reduction Services

As part of the ongoing reform initiative, the Office of the Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (BFDA) initiated the handing over of the Demand Reduction Services of the erstwhile Bhutan Narcotics Control Authority (BNCA) in a phased manner to The PEMA Secretariat on 14th February, 2023.
A simple handing taking ceremony was organized at erstwhile BNCA Conference Hall. Mr. Wangdi Gyeltshen, Director of BFDA handed over the Drop-in center services of Gelephu, Mongar and Thimphu to Major Namgay Dorji, hon’ble member of The PEMA Board in the presence of the officials and staff of The PEMA Secretariat and BFDA.