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Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Date: 27th December, 2022- An orientation workshop on the Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care Services in Gelephu

The PEMA Secretariat, in collaboration with the Gelephu Central Regional Referral Hospital is conducting an orientation workshop on the Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care Services in Gelephu from December 26-30, 2022. The participants for the workshop include the Psychiatric Nurses, Clinical Counsellor, TM Professionals, Peer Counsellors, Recovery Support Group members and Volunteers.

The Thrompon of Gelephu Thromde graced the Opening Session of the Orientation Workshop. The Medical Superintendent of Gelephu CRRH, Thromde Education Officer and Trade Officer also attended the Opening Session.   

As a part of the orientation, a day-long consultation workshop was also conducted with the Recovery Support Group members of Gelephu on December 25, 2022, to strengthen peer-based recovery support services for people suffering from SUD. The consultation workshop was facilitated by the Recovery Support Group members of Thimphu and Phuntsholing.  

The consultation workshop and the orientation workshop are being organized in preparation towards scaling up the Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care Services in Gelephu CRRH. The Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care Services, launched by Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen on October 10, 2022 aspires to offer an increased access to evidence-based treatment and provide an effective referral pathway for persons with SUD through a continuum of care approach.