Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services

Call 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Date: 13th December, 2022- The Review Meeting With Recovery Support Group

A Recovery-oriented Self-help/Mutual help group was initiated as a part of the Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care services at the Department of Psychiatry, JDWNRH to help provide a supportive space for people in recovery to share their stories, receive encouragement, and hear about ways to manage their recovery.

The PEMA Secretariat convened a day-long Meeting to review the ongoing Recovery support group program, earlier today. A total of 21 persons in recovery from Thimphu, Paro and Phuntsholing attended the meeting. The meeting also discussed and planned the way forward for strengthening similar services in Gelephu Central Regional Referral Hospital and Mongar Eastern Regional Referral Hospital.

The Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care services was launched on October 10, 2022 by Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, coinciding with the World Mental Health Day.