Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services

Call 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Call 1010 or 112 for The PEMA Helpline Services and 1098 for the Protection Services

Date: 25-26th November, 2022- The Review Meeting of Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care Services

The SUD Treatment and Care Team attended a two-day meeting on November 25 and 26 at The PEMA Secretariat to review the Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care services currently being delivered at the JDWNRH. The team reviewed the outpatient treatment modules, and follow-up and referral mechanisms. During the meeting, means to enhance accessibility and treatment engagement were also discussed.

The Hospital-based SUD Treatment and Care services was launched on October 10, 2022 by Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, coinciding with the World Mental Health Day.

In the next phase, the service will be scaled up to the two Regional Referral Hospitals.